For higher branding, generating a robust fan following and converting leads

What is Twitter marketing?

In order to create a fan following and provide your potential audience with valuable content, Twitter comes by as an extremely useful social media platform. With the character limit in place, advertisements stay quick and compelling. You could instantly share information about a webinar that your company conducts, or share a free e-book. One has a choice at liking or retweeting the tweets about one’s brand. One can also respond to customer feedback in real time. Twitter alternately comes by as an exceedingly useful tool for reporters and news agencies. The word spreads quicker over Twitter as compared to other social media platforms. People tend to browse Twitter when they are looking to figure out direct information about products, services or any related sources. Alternately, Twitter is a fine platform for promoting product launch dates.



With an audience base of 330 million users, our Twitter marketing services extend your reach to a large section of consumer cross section demographics.


Customized strategy for Twitter Marketing

Our customized Twitter marketing strategy for clients’ initiates with performing research about client brands. It involves competitor analysis, mapping buyer persona, and coming up with a lucrative content strategy. With growth strategies for Twitter marketing campaign, they stay profitable. We create customized hashtags that deliver the higher ROIs.


Content Creation

Content creation initiates following approval of Twitter marketing strategy, and the content is created in accordance with the strategy. Tweets that we create for your brand are unique and enticing. We create monthly calendars in order to keep the tweets organized. It gives clients a chance to review the tweets before they are live.


Page growth

Throughout Twitter marketing campaigns that we run, we stay inclined towards organic growth activities such as contests, following and hashtags that grow your followers. The clients alternatively have a choice at availing our dynamic services for running Twitter advertising campaigns, such as Promoted Tweets in ways that they deliver the best of outcomes.


Twitter Monitoring

Our Twitter marketing services involve closely monitoring all activities over your account such that it stays dynamic and lively. While we monitor accounts and user responses in the form of messages, reviews and comments during business hours. We also respond to all queries within 24 hours, which adds to customer delight and accentuates efforts towards B2B marketing.


Refining campaigns

We persistently gauge a Twitter marketing campaign’s performance in order to ensure that it stays well placed to meet its objectives. Campaign monitoring involves keeping the focus over analytics, which delivers key insights over what works the best. We can then use the insights to bring about a change in content, posting times and the hashtags used.



Our work processes are transparent and we keep clients informed regarding our activities. We generate comprehensive and insightful reports, which let clients know about the measurable returns in ROIs with our efforts. We are open to client feedback and gladly incorporate changes at any stage in the project. Our customized campaigns accentuate efforts towards branding as well.

We Unleash
The Power of Twitter for Your Business’s Success

Over 75% people who follow SMBs over Twitter are on a lookout to figure out updates of future products. Out of every 10, 7 of the buyers are highly likely to make a possible purchase decision over the fastest growing social media platform.

  • Find more customers

    Businesses sometimes find it difficult to bring in more customers using their Twitter account. With a cohesive promotional plan, we establish your Twitter presence and run fruitful SMM campaigns.

  • Well researched strategies

    We always research your business plan and typical behavior of the target audience in detail before defining the best suited marketing strategy, timeline for the campaign and the outcomes expected.

  • Positive end customer experience

    We use twitter to connect brand with their target audience cross section and create a strong community. Positive interaction with consumers ensures a top notch end customer experience.


Social media management through Twitter

Your application is incomplete without
A Robust and Active Twitter Account

The very essence of Twitter marketing is to build a relationship with the end customer. Customer queries are dealt in the best of ways with Twitter and customers can take cues from the tweets which have already been processed. It is not just the businesses, but a number of celebrities and global leaders manage their online presence using Twitter handles. Twitter is the peak of innovative designing and user interactions are limited to 280 characters. It allows end users to get access to the required information quick and easy. Retaining customer attention is easier and Twitter gives a new definition to a brand’s online presence. Our Twitter marketing services stand out because we are able to find access to the right target audience based upon their devices, geography or interest. The end-users may be similar to your present followers. We target the people’s keywords so as to make sure that visibility ratios of the tweets are higher.


Custom Twitter Design


Paid Twitter Advertising


Paid Twitter Advertising


SEO Local Marketing

Our Twitter Marketing Agency let you derive
Maximum returns from your Twitter handle

With a large number of your potential customers over Twitter, having a Twitter handle is sure to come by as exceedingly beneficial. We manage your online presence over Twitter strategically in the most lucrative of ways.

  • Creating your Twitter profile

    We keep your Twitter background and profile unique and it comes by as a reflection of your brand. It features trending design elements and is focused on target customer cross section demographics.

  • Managing Additional Activities

    We use Twitter promotions such as Sweepstakes, Coupons, Contests and Retweets to fine effect and keep users engaged.

  • B2B Marketing through Twitter

    Twitter is the most important social media channel for B2B marketing after Linkedin, but a number of enterprises do not unleash the potential of B2B marketing for their businesses. We leverage B2B Twitter marketing to the finest effect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Twitter marketing?

A: Twitter marketing is the practice of promoting products, services, or brands on the Twitter platform. It involves creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, and running paid advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive conversions.

Q: How can businesses create an effective Twitter Marketing strategy?

A: An effective Twitter marketing strategy should involve setting clear goals and objectives, identifying the target audience, creating engaging content, using appropriate hashtags and captions, engaging with followers, and measuring the success of your efforts through analytics.

Q: What type of content works best on Twitter?

A: The type of content that works best on Twitter depends on the brand and the target audience. However, in general, short and catchy messages, visual content such as photos and videos, polls, and trending topics tend to perform well on Twitter.

Q: How can businesses increase their Twitter following?

A: Businesses can increase their Twitter following by regularly posting high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, engaging with followers, collaborating with other brands or influencers, running Twitter contests or giveaways, and using Twitter ads to reach new audiences.

Q: What are Twitter Ads?

A: Twitter Ads are paid advertisements that appear in the Twitter timeline, search results, and other areas of the platform. Businesses can use Twitter Ads to target specific audiences and promote their products or services.

Q: How can businesses measure the success of their Twitter marketing efforts?

A: Businesses can measure the success of their Twitter marketing efforts through metrics such as engagement rate, reach, impressions, click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI). Twitter Analytics and third-party analytics tools can help track these metrics.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid in Twitter marketing?

A:Some common mistakes to avoid in Twitter marketing include posting too frequently or too infrequently, neglecting engagement with followers, using irrelevant or controversial hashtags, focusing too much on self-promotion, and failing to respond to customer feedback and complaints.

Q: What are some useful tools for Twitter marketing?

A: Some useful tools for Twitter marketing include Twitter Ads Manager, Twitter Analytics, Hootsuite, Buffer, Canva, and third-party analytics tools such as Sprout Social and AgoraPulse.