Facebook Marketing Company in Indore

A strong presence over Facebook is imperative for businesses of all sizes, irrespective of the domain within which they operate. It delivers a competitive edge for a brand and a higher visibility for their products. While Facebook marketing works nicely to attract clients at an international level, it is also one of the prime ways to get more visitors for brick and mortar stores. In dearth of Facebook marketing, a brand stands to lose a share of its customers to competitors. Digital Landmark services ensure that a brand manages its page in a way that makes it stand out in a stiff competition level. We make your page catchy and enticing, and place ads strategically such that it influences purchase decisions for consumers, with over 50 million business pages over Facebook.

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Facebook Ad Campaign Management

With 1.4 billion daily users spending 40 minutes on an average on Facebook, Digital Landmark services give businesses the power to target specific markets at affordable prices. Top benefits include branding, higher engagement, nurturing customer loyalty, making a fan base and driving conversions.


Online exposure helps a business convert leads. At Digital Landmark, we set up Facebook page for clients, manage and monitor it daily, make designs for profile avatars, timelines and run advertising campaigns. This lets us increase traffic while staying relevant, saving time and keeping our services budget friendly

Facebook Advertisement Company

Digital Landmark services are indispensable because while making FB ads is easy, 40% marketers find it difficult to make ads that find success. We create, monitor, and optimize Facebook ads, and develop customer oriented FB techniques that help clients grow their business.

Facebook Lead Generation

Over 95% users access Facebook over their smartphones, browsing through newsfeeds and clicking on ads. We keep FB lead ads mobile friendly and help clients acquire fresh, targeted leads through our strategic Facebook marketing. They let customers find information about your services effortlessly.

Facebook Advertisement Services

Digital Landmark Facebook advertising specialists mitigate the expenditure of time and money, and create ads that are oriented towards meeting an organization’s unique business objectives. With our end to end services, we provide custom graphics, and write copies for your ads and headlines.

e-commerce Lead/Sales Generation Company

Facebook has 2.2 billion active monthly users with over 80% of people between 18 to 29 year age group having FB accounts. We drive potential leads to your page by keeping the content catchy and posting frequently, keeping a balance between organic and paid marketing.

Online Sales Generation

Our Facebook marketing services accentuate sales in numerous ways. We redirect qualified traffic to your website with targeted ads, giving you access to potential leads. We also get more visitors to brick and mortar stores, and sell services directly over Facebook.

Facebook Advertising Services

We develop innovative and technically flawless Facebook apps of all types, such as tab apps, timeline apps and canvas apps. They are characterized by state of the art designs and low turnaround times, and simplify making a connection with your target audience.

increase your Branding/Sales

We leverage Facebook marketing in a way that it becomes easy for your consumers to distinguish you from your competitors. Posts, ads, design elements, apps, videos and all content stands out to accentuate branding, create loyal customers, and boost conversion rates.

Facebook has proved to be a great platform from the marketing point of view as it enables interacting with all existing as well as prospect customers in a better way. The fact cannot be denied that singling out the potential customers and converting them into the subscribers is a daunting task and needs mastery. You can expect this from our expert marketing team as they plan and implement a strategic Facebook marketing campaign to provide you high conversion rates in all manners.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Facebook marketing?

A: Facebook marketing is the practice of promoting products, services, or brands on the Facebook platform. It involves creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, and running paid advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive conversions.

Q: How can businesses create an effective Facebook Marketing strategy?

A: An effective Facebook marketing strategy should involve setting clear goals and objectives, identifying the target audience, creating engaging content, using appropriate hashtags and captions, engaging with followers, and measuring the success of your efforts through analytics.

Q: What type of content works best on Facebook?

A: The type of content that works best on Facebook depends on the brand and the target audience. However, in general, high-quality visual content such as photos and videos tend to perform well on Facebook. Educational or informative content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive content like polls and quizzes can also be effective.

Q: How can businesses increase their Facebook following?

A: Businesses can increase their Facebook following by regularly posting high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, engaging with followers, collaborating with other brands or influencers, running Facebook contests or giveaways, and using Facebook ads to reach new audiences.

Q: What is Facebook Ads?

A: Facebook Ads are paid advertisements that appear in the Facebook News Feed, on the right-hand side of the page, and in other areas of the platform. Businesses can use Facebook Ads to target specific audiences and promote their products or services.

Q: How can businesses measure the success of their Facebook marketing efforts?

A: Businesses can measure the success of their Facebook marketing efforts through metrics such as engagement rate, reach, impressions, click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI). Facebook Insights and third-party analytics tools can help track these metrics.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid in Facebook marketing?

A:Some common mistakes to avoid in Facebook marketing include posting low-quality or irrelevant content, neglecting engagement with followers, using clickbait or misleading headlines, focusing too much on self-promotion, and failing to respond to customer feedback and complaints.

Q: What are some useful tools for Facebook marketing?

A: Some useful tools for Facebook marketing include Facebook Ads Manager, Facebook Insights, Hootsuite, Buffer, Canva, and third-party analytics tools such as Sprout Social and AgoraPulse.